The grim pizza

So you remember how we mentioned that Unmarked Grave?

Yeah, well... It started really piling up, and all of our guests started getting a lil snacky... see where this is going, yeah?

Plus... it's fun to say! Go on. Say "The Grim Pizza".

See? ...Sounds a little like "Grim Reaper", right?
Whatever. Shut up and eat yout pizza.


Okay. We’ve said this before, but even us Crypt Keepers are creeped out;

Do. Not. Eat. These.

Our most foul ghouls won’t even go near the oven; THE. PIE. TALKS… and it’s pretty f*%#in’ scary, man.

Complete with its own set of gnashing chompers, it seems like this pie has every ounce

of malice in the known universe... and maybe some from the Unknown.
Seriously, though? It gives us the creeps. 

That one slice keeps licking its teeth at us. 

Listen...we don't know.

We were told there would be pizza when we got back from this last funeral.

We were NOT told the entire Crypt Kitchen would be transformed into a temple complete with sacrificial pyres and Penta-Pies.

Never ones to rock the casket, we ate a couple, and now a few of our crypt-keepers are a lot... well... ghoulier.

Yep. Pretty sure these Penta-Pies are possessed.

Whatever. They're good with ranch dressing!


Our simple take on an old classic; The Purgatory 'n Cheese is a blend of all the good people cheeses.
One bite, and you'll see eons of pain and torment you were NEVER meant to experience! 🥳
-(Because YOU'RE one of the Good Ones, aren't you?)-
Buy the whole pie and save your soul!


For all our Meat Lovers out there, we've got JUST the thing!
...and for all you animal lovers, remember;
People Don't Count!
Meats we've collected from all across the Crypt, ground together
and blended with that sweet 'n pungent "people cheese"
for a putrid pie you'll never survive!
(at least, you probably won't want to...)

We'll Hack up some new pies soon!
Check back!